Where to Buy:
All Volumes of the Trilogy can be bought in all the combinations shown at any of the locations shown. Volume 3 is available now as an author-signed print copy. You can order Kindle and Nook versions, too. Just check https://www.amazon.com/s?k=john+winings&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss. If you’d like larger quantities for a book study or Sunday School class, use Dudley Court press.
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Who is John Winings?
John lived for more than five years in Haiti and worked for Haiti Fund, Inc. for twelve years.
The Comprehensive Development Project (CODEP) project is supported by Haiti Fund (recently renamed Haiti Reforestation Partnership) and is a successful and unique project in a country where most projects fail.
John has written a three-volume series called Mountain Majesty – The History of CODEP Haiti Where Sustainable Agriculture Works that tells the stories of CODEP and its people.
Having worked for fifty years in industry in a variety of positions, he brought just the right touch of experience, compassion, and skills to work with the others, Haitians and Americans alike that enabled CODEP to become what it is today—a hugely successful sustainable agricultural development project.